Canine Oral Care: How To Recognize Dental Issues In Dogs
If your pet is at least three years old and has not received professional dental care, it certainly has periodontal disease. More than ninety percent of adult canines suffer from periodontal disease. Untreated oral health problems can result in pain, tooth loss, infections, and even organ damage, particularly heart and kidneys. In extreme examples, it can even result in premature death. Through professional dental treatment, your dog’s teeth and gums can be maintained in good health.
What are the signs of canine dental problems?
You should bring your dog in for dental care once a year, but here are a few symptoms that he needs to visit a pet dentist sooner and if you still don’t have a pet dentist in your area, simply look up “dog dentist near me”
Unusual Drooling
Dogs drool when chewing on food and toys, but a dog experiencing tooth pain may drool more often. Due to the fact that if there is an injury or pain in the mouth, the salivary glands work overtime, this is the case. Sometimes, blood might be seen in the saliva. If this is the case, you must immediately take your dog to the dog and cat hospital as he may be suffering from a more painful condition.
Canine Bad Breath
Generally speaking, healthy dogs have fresh breath. If your dog’s breath has developed an unpleasant odor, he may have an oral condition. Bad dog breath may suggest that your dog is suffering from tooth decay or an infection, either of which could be causing her oral pain.
Absence of Appetite
Due to the difficulty of chewing, a dog with dental pain may consume less food than usual. You might witness him eating, followed by a sudden halt. In addition, he may complain or spit out his food while eating. Take your dog to the doctor promptly if he experiences a sudden change in appetite, even if it is not due to dental pain.
Sneezing and Nasal Discharge
In the absence of gum disease treatment, the bone between the nasal and oral cavities may become more porous. This occurs in advanced cases of gum disease affecting the upper canine teeth, and sneezing and nasal discharge are two signs that it has occurred.
Your Dog Has Been Chewing Exclusively on One Side of His Mouth
When a dog feels dental pain on one side of his mouth, he cannot chew on that side. If food or a toy in his mouth accidentally contacts the painful side, he may drop it abruptly.
Sudden Shyness
If your dog usually enjoys being petted but suddenly pulls his head away from your hand, he may be experiencing tooth pain. He does not like you to touch his head for fear of making his pain worse.
Observable Changes in Your Dog’s Mouth
Occasionally, you may be able to identify if something is wrong with your dog’s mouth simply by examining his mouth, which you should do sometimes to ensure his oral health. During an oral examination which is mostly included in a wellness plan for cats and dogs program, you may discover that one side of his mouth is swollen or that he has inflamed or bleeding gums, broken or missing teeth, or lesions on his gums.
The Takeaway
You cannot prevent your dog from inadvertently shattering one of your teeth, but you may avoid toothache from other causes by practicing primary oral care. Tooth pain can be incapacitating for a dog, and it may signify that he is suffering from a severe ailment. Do not delay bringing your dog to the veterinarian for a checkup if you detect any of the above-mentioned symptoms and indicators.