A Pet Parent’s Guide on How to Prevent Kidney Disease in Dogs
Kidney failure commonly occurs in older dogs, and there isn’t much we can do about it. Your pet’s kidneys are important as they preserve the balance of minerals in their body and remove waste compounds from the bloodstream. Some causes of kidney failure are preventable, and knowing how to keep your dogs from these hazards is crucial. Fortunately, we have gathered some simple tips to avoid kidney failures in your furry buddy. Read on below to know more.
Five Tips to Prevent Kidney Failure
It’s distressing when pets do not act like their normal energetic and active nature due to kidney disease or other health issues. However, with the five preventive tips we have put together, you can secure your dog from kidney problems.
1. Make sure they have access to freshwater
Water is helpful for your dog’s entire health and has numerous good health benefits both in and out. Enough water in your dog’s diet helps dilute their urine, enabling them to flush contaminants in their body with comfort and convenience. Guaranteeing your dogs have access to fresh water is necessary to keep their kidneys functioning and avoid dehydration.
2. Use tick prevention on your dog
Deer ticks are the cause of Lyme disease in pets. While 90% of canines exposed to the stated illness don’t get sick, those affected may experience an extremely serious and deadly disease called Lyme nephritis. Severe inflammation of the kidneys, also called nephritis, happens when a dog suffers from Lyme nephritis, which leads to large protein losses from the kidneys. Lyme nephritis cannot be reversed once it happens to your household pets.
You might think vaccinating your dog against Lyme disease can prevent this illness, but this approach isn’t always efficient.Most pet professionals would suggest using high-quality tick prevention products to keep dogs and cats safe from illnesses and infections that may be caused by many parasites. You may visit a pet facility near you to know the necessary veterinary care for the cats and how you can better take care of them at home.
3. Keep chemicals out of reach
While we know many chemicals could be poisonous to pets (and humans), we often fail to think about how our beloved pets might be at higher threat of direct exposure to dangerous chemicals. Bathroom cleaners, antifreeze, pesticide, and other poisonous compounds should be stored away to prevent your canines from accidentally consuming them.
Antifreeze can entice pets because of its sweet taste and smell, and it can greatly damage their kidneys when consumed, even in small amounts. Your canines might ingest something harmful or poisonous in the most unexpected scenarios so you have to be alert to their surroundings.
If a dog accidentally swallows something hazardous, pet professionals or animal centers that offer surgery services will perform a surgical operation or use techniques to induce vomiting, causing the ingested things or chemicals to be taken out. You can click here to know more about conditions in pets that may require surgical attention.
4. Give them the appropriate food
One of the simple ways to avoid kidney failure in canines is by giving them the right food. Most veterinarians would suggest feeding a diet low in protein, phosphorus, calcium, and sodium to your puppy, as these will help prevent renal disease development. Additionally, these can help improve and stabilize their kidney enzymes, resulting in a much healthier and longer life span.
Avoid feeding grapes, chocolates, avocados, and nuts to your dogs, as these can be dangerous to them. In addition, tomatoes, raw carrots, dairy products, spinach, and asparagus must not be fed to your pet dog as these can exacerbate UTIs. Untreated UTIs can cause dysfunction of the bladder stones or kidney, lower urinary tract, and kidney failure and infections.
Bringing your dog to a professional that offers veterinary GI conditions treatment is necessary, especially if you’re seeing signs of digestive system disorders in your pet due to harmful foods. Professional advice and care are required to ensure your pet is well looked after.
5. Take good care of their teeth
Taking care of your pet’s teeth can help lower the chances of having kidney complications. Dental disease is one of the common causes of chronic kidney failure in dogs that are sometimes neglected. Gum disease damages your dog’s mouth and increases the risk of heart, liver, and kidney problems. Brushing your canine’s teeth daily and regularly bringing them to a pet dental expert can help keep monitor their oral health and prevent systemic conditions like kidney failures.