The Reality Behind Some Common Myths Regarding Mold Removal
Mold is a frequent issue homeowners across the nation have to deal with. It can not only affect the appearance of your house; however, it could also lead to health problems. Despite the abundance of information available, there are a lot of myths about mold. Searching for solutions to your mold issues on the internet can be confusing, as some individuals will tell you to use bleach to get rid of mold. In contrast, others advise you to change your walls.
Common Misconceptions About Mold Removal
Every day, we are subject to mold-related spores throughout the air, both indoors and outdoors, but that is not an issue to be concerned about. Mold may grow on any surface in our homes given moderate temperatures, food supplies (almost every construction material), and moisture. If it isn’t dealt with, the mold could trigger major problems. Mold can be harmful to health and cause damage to the building material that it is fed by.
To help people recognize and be aware of how to proceed in case of a mold problem, We’ve decided to debunk most of the popular mold myths.
1. Mold Does Not Exist in My House
Fact: Mold spores can be found in all environments. It’s true. Therefore, it is difficult to remove mold. But, this isn’t always an issue since the presence of a small amount of mold won’t result in the symptoms of mold exposure. But, complete removal of mold isn’t possible. For example, suppose you suspect that mold is growing in your home. In this case, it is advised to hire an expert having a good mold cleanup reputation in mold remediation to investigate the issue.
2. I Can Eliminate Mold Myself
Fact: Experts classify the mold issues limited to 10 sq. feet or less as being level one diseases. So, homeowners can handle these issues. All other matters, however, will require the assistance of a reliable disaster cleanup company. These companies have the right equipment and expertise to deal with mold without contaminating other areas. In addition, mold exposure can be risky and could harm your health.
3. I Can Kill Mold Using Bleach
Fact: While bleach may help fight mold growth on nonporous surfaces. However, it cannot penetrate porous surfaces to complete the removal of mold. As a result, bleach could encourage mold growth, particularly if your source for the moisture is active. In addition, bleach could cause damage to furnishings and walls, and it should be avoided.
4. No Need to Be Concerned About Tiny Patches of Mold
Fact: Mold, unfortunately, spreads quickly. It can be difficult to assess the size of an outbreak based on its size. In most cases, mold develops on the wall surfaces, and a tiny part can be seen within ventilation units. Therefore, you shouldn’t delay contacting the most user-friendly fire restoration New City and mold remediation services and wait until you can see noticeable quantities of mold since even small areas could indicate the presence of a serious mold problem.
5. Mold Exposure Isn’t That Serious
Fact: While no one is directly affected by mold, constant exposure can lead to various diseases. This is especially true for people who already have respiratory problems. Some of the most evident indicators of mold exposure are the appearance of watery eyes, migraines, anxiety and loss of memory, coughing, and dizziness.
Bottom Line
The general rule is that mold is an important problem that, if not properly handled, can cause serious damage. That’s why Mold Solutions uses a proprietary method to handle any type or extent of the mold issue. We begin by examining and confining those affected. We then employ the latest technology to remove and lessen the amount of mold. Then, antimicrobial treatment is applied to avoid any future infestations of mold.