Feline Health Issues: What Are the Top 6 Most Common?
Cats might be wonderful house pets since they aren’t as high-maintenance as domesticated animals, like dogs and horses. Even if this holds true, feline owners occasionally experience difficulties maintaining one as a pet due to wellness concerns with felines that can feel overwhelming. Early treatment is essential to avoid more health issues or possibly death for your kitty in this circumstance. So, do you know the health problems cats face?
Six Typical Cat Health Problems
Existing feline owners and those considering obtaining a kitten should be aware that cats have numerous wellness problems, some of which are common and others that can be deadly. To provide the most excellent possible care for your feline, it is essential that you identify the most common health issues that cats encounter and how to treat them as quickly as possible. Below are six health problems cats experience in the contemporary world.
1. Hairballs
With their tendency for self-grooming, felines are prone to developing hairballs. When a cat is grooming itself and eats hairballs that have fallen from its body, several problems can emerge. An obstruction in the cat’s digestive system can cause death; this is a significant issue.
2. Fleas and Mites
Anemia-causing fleas and tapeworm egg-carrying fleas need to be avoided if your cats are permitted to spend time outside regularly. The existence of mites in a cat’s ears is another usual problem. With consistent scratching or shaking of the head, your cat is most likely struggling with mites.
Cat health concerns caused by pests can range from simple rashes and scabs to breathing and ingesting problems. More than a hundred feline illnesses have been documented, and veterinarians are skilled in each treatment method. Preventing specific scenarios may be in your animal’s best interest and your own.
3. Worms
Nowadays, one of the most common feline health issues is roundworm and tapeworm health problems. Felines with roundworms often have to throw up and have diarrhea, but cats with tapeworms might experience skin irritation, specifically around the rectum. Kittens need to be dewormed regularly to avoid illnesses like this. It’s also crucial to pay attention to their teeth. Some parasites can be eaten with their meal if their teeth are damaged. Regular visits to a pet dental practitioner for animal dental care are needed to help avoid these wellness concerns.
4. Respiratory Illness
Asthma and chronic bronchitis are two of the most frequent feline illnesses. You need to call your veterinarian if your cat is coughing, a common sign of chronic respiratory disease in felines. Addressing these cat health concerns can be as easy as searching for all the signs and determining what’s triggering them.
5. Urinary Tract Infection
In male felines, urinary tract infections are more prevalent than in females. However, they can afflict both genders. It’s a problem in which cats have to urinate excessively, either in quantity or frequency. UTI in cats is also characterized by enhanced bladder capacity and needs rapid treatment. Different procedures can avoid this health condition. You should take your cat to an animal facility to quickly diagnose this problem and perform the necessary treatment. If you want to know more about the services that various pet facilities offer, you can go to this link.
6. Kidney Diseases
Renal failure, commonly called kidney failure in cats, needs quick treatment to prevent more problems, including death. One of the signs of kidney failure in cats is increased thirst. You should take your pets to an animal facility like the pet hospital in Des Moines if they show strange habits,